Raw Milk

Let’s not.

The marvellous Talia Lavin discusses “the collapse of consensus reality.” I love how Lavin lets loose her scorn.

Increased raw milk consumption has already led to a rise in foodborne illness—including stillbirths, miscarriages and deaths, albeit in very small numbers. The point is, do you want your morning latte to become a game of Russian roulette? I would hope not! I hope we can want better things for ourselves and our country! I’ve seen the misinformation about raw milk floating around like sour curd—recently, racist far-right asshole and self-proclaimed “theocratic fascist” Matt Walsh felt the need to dress down his three million Twitter followers about it (“Pasteurization is not some evil sorcery. It just kills the dangerous bacteria you morons”), leading to nuclear levels of indignation and betrayal among his dirty-dairy-demanding disciples. It’s “better for you!” Getting diphtheria will trigger the libs! It’s got super special vitamins! Pasteurization is a Communist plot! 

It’s not. It was invented by a guy who wanted to make French booze more awesome, and was then transposed to the dairy-sphere by Germans who wanted fewer children to die, and who succeeded in ways that bring tears to my eyes when I consider how many babies were saved because of their relentless efforts. It’s unambiguously a good thing. The fact that this “debate,” such as it is, even exists speaks to the kind of yawning gulf between realities that puts us at this grim precipice of an election. If we can’t even agree that boiling milk for ten seconds or so to kill germs and save kids is a good thing—what the fuck is consensus reality even about anymore? 

Back in the 1800s, Louis Pasteur was busy bending light around crystals no one else had bothered to examine; he made good beer, cured chicken cholera and cattle anthrax, and is a national hero buried in a magnificent crypt in a Paris institute that bears his name. I’d go with Louis on this one. Don’t listen to reflexive contrarians and people who are more than willing to see you die for a dollar. Drink clear wine and healthy milk, keep your kids safe, and remember there is better food than anger. The best revenge beer is living well.

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